Sunday, August 30, 2009

What video killed, Interwebs revived!

As long as I have some form of internet access, at some point, for some amount of time in Russia, I'll be ok - because The Sandbox does podcasts! Yes. Now my inner indietude shall never fade and wither and die.

I just recalled when V. and I went down to visit North Carolina over spring break. In the car (I think we were on our way out to get ice cream) and listening to the college station. We're back to the talk from the music and the DJ goes, "Welcome back, my name's Alex and-- I mean. My name's DJ A-Rod. Forget anything else you have just heard."

I am, however, ripshit about this picture (stolen gratuitously from wfnx's website) of Fletcher with two of The Killers:

Three guesses on which is Brandon, and the first two don't count. So much happiness! The Sandbox and Killers all together! Exclamation point!

Oh well. They shall have a happy September 4th, I'm sure.


Monica said...

My comment has nothing to do with your post :( Did you have a change of plans on Sunday? I thought you wanted to stop by and photograph the kiddos?

Andrew said...

I did...unfortunately some plans changed, and we had a quiet dinner with Gram and Grandpa, and I've been out on last-minute errands all day today. Sorry!!! It looks like you all had a great time at the farm, and I hear Alex had a nice night out to the Fishercats. I can't wait to see you all for the holidays.