Friday, February 12, 2010

Either pair of pants is WAY too tight.

Consider this groan-worthy performance of Journey's "Midnight Train (Don't Stop Believing)."

Compare it to the heart-pumping (and nausea-inducing) performance of The Killers "All These Things That I've Done."

Now, ignoring the fact that B.Flow is 1) obviously not lip syncing 2) could stand to have an earpiece in place so he could better hear the pitch he's on, The Killers rock! It's fun to watch them in concert. It would be fun to watch it even if they didn't have the nausea-inducing camera work.

Journey, on the other hand, look like they're about to pee their collective and oh-so-'80s-tight jeans.

I feel relatively assured that this comparison is more-or-less "objective," despite my "secret" fanboy feelings towards The Killers. The other night, one of the other Totentanzers said: "I don't think I've ever met someone who likes The Killers as much as you do."

Be that as it may. The difference in crowd energy, and the relationship of energy<-->performance, is palpable. There's only one moment I wish that The Killers concert was more like Journey's, and that's at the end of "A Dustland Fairytale," when B.Flow steps out into the crowd and a group of some seven girls turn into monekys, he into a tropical rainforest. They jump and swing and bite the bananas hanging in clumps from his branches...too graphic?

Well, little girls, SO WAS YOUR DISPLAY TOO GRAPHIC! There comes a point when it's no longer the energy of the crowd, no longer "here's a moment to get a picture with this great entertainer," and it starts to be gross and vulgar voyeurism.

This is still with them relatively restraining themselves. Then, song over, they kiss and hug and pawn at him. I see his lips moving: "Okay, alright, okay," and the awkward "enough, now, ladies" smile on his face...eventually he escapes the zombie hold. There's a difference between showing excitement over a celebrity and making a complete and utter fool of yourself.

(I'm just jealous because I couldn't be one of those girls? I'm racist against the horde of white people in designer polo shirts?)

No. If I remember, I'll edit this to add the Milan Kundera quote about the West's allergy to the vulgar, as opposed to the East's allergy to the kitsch.

ALSO! Wif sent this my way. I am not alone!

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